Transactions Made Possible

Municipal Bonds
As MSRB/SEC-Registered Municipal Advisors under the Dodd-Frank Act, we proudly serve as fiduciaries to local governments, public institutions, and nonprofits with unwavering dedication. Our independence from commercial and investment banks allows us to focus entirely on what matters most—our clients’ needs.
We excel at simplifying complex public finance transactions, skillfully blending debt and contributed capital to optimize client resources while minimizing risk.
Many of our clients are first-time borrowers or infrequent capital market participants, and we make the bond process simple and seamless. At InnoVative Capital, we manage everything—from selecting underwriters to guiding you through the securities issuance. We believe informed clients make the best decisions, so we work closely with you to ensure you understand your long-term obligations, including terms, conditions, covenants, and disclosures. We’re here to support you every step of the way.
Our transaction services as Municipal Advisor have three distinct components.
Planning, Development and Financial Structuring
- Financial forecasting and credit rating assessment.
- Present all financing scenarios and select the optimal strategy (considering covenants, call provisions, security features, rating requirements, loan terms, interest rate modes, and disclosure obligations).
- Security structure optimization with available equity options.
- Borrower creditworthiness enhancement through composite funding sources.
- Generate and lead the RFP process for selecting underwriters, feasibility consultants, credit enhancers, trustee banks, and related third parties.
Bond Underwriting and Closing
- Set transaction timetables and develop financing plans.
- Borrower representation throughout the preliminary Official Statement process.
- Direct the Rating Agency process.
- Author the Appendix A.
- Pre-marketing of securities to the investor community.
- Evaluate the initial pricing of securities and terms set by underwriters.
- Client representation at loan closing.
- Post-closing review of underwriter performance.
Disclosure maintenance
- Investor communications.
- Ongoing financial disclosure.
- Rating Agency submissions.
- Covenant compliance.
- Project disbursement reviews.

Selected MA Municipal Bond Transactions
- USDA Tax-exempt Bond Anticipation Notes.
- Tax Increment Development Revenue Bonds.
- Collateralized Tax-exempt Revenue Bonds with Tax Credit Equity.
- Economic Development Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds.
- Hospital Revenue Bonds.
- Nonrated Municipal Bonds.
- Tax-backed Municipal Bonds.

Let’s Discuss Your Project and Funding Needs
We can help from start to finish or advise on any phase of your project. Get started today.
TEL: 610-543-2490 x104